closing salutations christian letters

What are good closing salutations for.
Christian Closing Statements
Using "Blessing" as a closing in. salutations - definition of salutations.
I prefer "Best Regards", but the closing you should use should best reflect the tone of the letter or email. In other words, I would probably not close a letter with What are good christian closing.
Valediction - Wikipedia, the free.
A valediction (derivation from Latin vale dicere, 'to say farewell'), or complimentary close in American English, is an expression used to say farewell, especially a

Some possible Christian closing salutations may include: Grace be with you Go in peace Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift Yours in Christ
I am just wondering if this is a Christian "thing". I have many friends from many different walks of life and there are some who I am not sure what their
letter endings and salutations. I'm compiling a list of endings to letters/emails. Can you think of any more? * goodbye * sincerely * later * God bless
What are good closing salutations for emails? Warm Regards Best Regards Thank you Regards Thanks What are good closing salutations for letters?
What are good closing salutations for.
sal·u·ta·tion (s l y-t sh n) n. 1. a. A polite expression of greeting or goodwill. b. salutations Greetings indicating respect and affection; regards.
Using "Blessing" as a closing in. Christian Closing Remarks
What are good Christian closing.
God bless, For Him, May God be with you, Blessings, Shalom aleichem, ===== I prefer to use: In His Grip, In Christ,
closing salutations christian letters
closing salutations christian letters
What are good christian closing.