rude symbols for text messages

What does the text message symbol <:)>.
rude symbols for text messages
21.08.2009 · Best Answer: I press the * symbol then go through it and press <3 someone sent me one & i saved it in my drafts. assuming you mean ♥ im not sure how
When I text and the message is sending there is usually a symbol that looks like a wifi signal next to my recipients name. Then the message is done se

There are many symbols that can be used in your text messages, especially emoticons, which are all sorts of smiley faces. Use all the symbols on your cell
Text Message Symbols - BlackBerry Support.
:) :d

24.07.2006 · Best Answer: Men ignore so much they just sometimes seem to have no capacity to respond to more than they do maybe dat particular not
Askville Question: What does the text message symbol <:)> mean? : Software
rude symbols for text messages
Cool Text Generator
Learn how to use symbols in text messages with expert cellular and mobile phone tips in this free text messaging video clip. Expert: Rick Kennedy Bio: Rick
Text Message Symbols - LoveToKnow: Advice.
Why do men ignore text messages? It is.
How to Send Text Messages on Cell Phones. What are common symbols in text messages.
When you're typing with your thumbs, you need to save your effort by communicating with as few letters as possible, so users created text message symbols as a sort of
Text Art For Facebook Text message heart symbol on cell phone?.